16 comments on “Totally God-Crazy Stuff Goin’ On!

  1. This post could only have been improved if you had posted pictures from throughout the surgery! :o) But PRAISE THE LORD!

  2. Bro.

    God is awesome! April and I are praying for you guys and if you need anything please let me know!

  3. Isn’t it just like God to take what appears to us the be the worst thing that could have happened (needing surgery) and making it into the best thing that could have happened (surgical confirmation that God has healed her) God is awesome. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Incredible!! Praise God for His amazing ways of revealing Himself. So glad you guys are doing better. You’ve got an army of Twitter friends praying for you. Continue to keep us posted.

  5. Jamie, I just can’t get beyond the words “AWESOME and INCREDIBLE”!! We are so happy for you and Jen! We serve an amazing God!

  6. Jamie,
    We’ve known of many people who were supernaturally healed and then later symptoms came back. Even in times of returning symptoms, it is a time to hold on to your covenant in 1 Pet.2;24, “By His wounds you have been healed,” past tense. The enemy does use symptoms at times to cause fear; fear alone can create illness. As God was faithful to show us all, “By His wounds Jennifer has been healed.” It is a oompleted work! We rejoice with you!

  7. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. How can people see stuff like this happen and NOT believe in God? He is just so amazing. Praise God for his healing in Jen’s life.

  8. I posted the last line of this blog to Twitter/Facebook and a friend and great pastor, Larry Alverson – Trinity Assembly in Mt. Morris, MI (a church where I was CP at one time) followed it up with:

    2 Tim. 2:13 “If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.”

    Awesome, Thanks Pastor Larry!

  9. Jamie, we stand with you and your family in prayer and faith….just as you stood with ours! Our hearts are full of wonderful memories. We send our love to you all.
    Warren and Donna Heckman

  10. completly awesome, from an awesome God we serve. So glad to know she is doing well. We will be praying for your family as she continues to heal. Miss you guys

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