When children walk into your ministry area, you should be the most exciting, most encouraging, most “want-to-be-around” person they encounter!
Here are a few things you can do to make a child’s day in your KidMin:
- Smile at them and let your eyes light up when you see them
- Look them in the eyes when you talk with them
- Talk TO and WITH them… Not DOWN at them
- Be super interested in any news they share with you (remember: it’s a big deal to have a loose or missing tooth, a new haircut, new shoes, a new stuffed animal, etc).
- Notice and point out their shoes – trust me on this one
- Shake their hand – they think this is very grown-up
- Engage in any activity they are doing and have fun while doing it
- Publicly “Catch” them behaving during class and compliment them
- Always call any prizes you are going to give away: “Mine” and “My” as in: who is going to win “my candy bar?”
- If they tell you sad news, pray with them… right then and there
- Offer to thumb-wrestle any of them for a best 2 out of 3
This is good! Encouraging positive behavior is always a good thing!