
All posts tagged Leadership

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My guest on this post is Glen Woods.  I had the opportunity to meet-up with Glen and some other super-cool #kidmin leaders at Group Publishing’s “ReGroup” event a few weeks ago.  Glen is the Children’s Ministry Pastor at Portland Open Bible Church in Portland, OR.  His commitment to longevity is amazing!  His passion for the church to be missional is moving.  His desire to train the next generation is inspiring – as evidenced in this post… I know you will be encouraged:

This Easter Sunday, four young people gathered with me for a quick huddle and a prayer. Grins betrayed their excitement. Careful attentiveness revealed their serious desire to do their best as my ministry partners for one of our busiest ministry days of the year. As my early childhood children’s church team, they were about to minister alongside me to twenty-five wiggly 2 ½ year-olds through six year-olds. At ages 17, 16, 16, and 12 respectively, my team members have long since passed their wiggly years. But for three of them who grew up in this church, I remember those days clearly. I remember their stories and growing pains. And now they all are my colleagues.

The twelve year-old is our budding Bible teacher. The others are eager to do what ever needs to be done to love these kids with Jesus’ love. I am proud of this emerging generation which is so passionate to make a difference despite the challenges of their own upbringing. Some pundits cite a trend of entitlement and laziness. I see a remnant of young godly saints rising up as a prophetic voice to their own generation, as well as to their parents’ generation and those yet to come. Through their actions they are calling on their peers to follow Jesus along with them. Their passion to heed the gospel inspires me to join with them, wherever Jesus may lead.

What stories of how God is moving among young people might be developing in your worship community? What part might you play in encouraging them to engage fully in God’s purposes for their lives?

You can read more of Glen’s thoughts and ideas over at his blog: Children’s Ministry Conversation.
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So I was thinking back to a sermon that was once preached and then re-preached many times by other Pastors… the sermon title and concept was along the lines of “What if every Church-Goer was Like Me?”  And the sermon went on to  implore the congregation to ask them selves the following questions: What if everyone in this church gave like me? Served like me? Worshipped like me? Had the same attitude as me? (name your quality here) like me?  The point was then presented: Would this church have an abundance of resources or would this place be broke? Would this church have more than enough workers and volunteers or would we be closing the nursery and shutting down ministries? Would this church be full of incredible worship that usher’s in the presence of the Holy Spirit or would this place be dead? And so on…

So, my questions to the many #KidMin peeps that are out there that peruse this blog are these:

What if every #KidMin Leader was like me?  What would the entire world of Children’s Ministry look like?

What if every #KidMin Leader taught the Word like me?  Would kids all over the world be learning the Word and walk away from childhood knowing how to apply it?  Or, would they know a lot of games and understand the importance of candy incentives?

What if every #KidMin Leader taught on praise and worship like me?  Would the power of God overcome as kids entered into the very presence of an almighty God? Or, would they know a lot of actions and fun lyrics?

What if every #KidMin Leader Lead like me?  Would there be armies of volunteers that are equipped as leaders to take these kids to the next level? Or, would there be a world full of burned-out one-man shows?

What if every #KidMin Leader prayed like me?  Would kids and the many CM leaders in your ministry know that they are covered in prayer and follow your lead? Or, would you constantly feel defeated and your team sense that there is no hope?

What if every #KidMin Leader taught stewardship like me?  Would we have a generation of kids that understands the value of the tithe, faith-filled giving and generosity so we could advance the Kingdom? Or would you have a world of kids who expect to know what’s in it for them?

What if every #KidMin Leader taught on missions like me?  Would you have fervent prayers for missionaries and a lifelong, infused sense that those on the field need support in every way – would there be future missionaries? Or, would kids never know what it takes to reach others just like them in places where the gospel needs to be preached?

Please don’t think that I am above giving away prizes as incentives, or that I hate fun lyrics and engaging actions, because, I do that stuff!  Please don’t assume that I don’t like to have a good time with kids in my church – read the post on how kids interpret their world… I’m simply advocating that we go a step further – no, several steps further. Realize that ministry to kids happens now so we can secure the future of the church.  Go ahead and add to the list if you care… but continue to ask yourself: What if the #KidMin Leaders, all over the world were just like me?

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