3 comments on “Skype Me In Scotty!

  1. That is a GREAT idea! I would do it, I just need to think of what I could help someone else with. I saw the post on cmconnect as well. Do you have a central location of interested people? Maybe compile a list of topics?

  2. I have been doing this for a while and now am looking into the possibilities of doing it with G+ which will allow a lot more to be included with no fee into the video call.

  3. Jamie,
    What if we roll this option into my new site which is dedicated to free or very affordable kidmin coaching : kidmincoaching.com. I could build a live streaming area on the site and when kidmin’s have extra time or a message they could give they could stream live to a group or the world. I would provide all the streaming capabiltiy and give all the kidmin” coaches” access to the stream.

    Let me know what you think..



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