15 comments on “Pastor Challenge

  1. Jamie,

    I think this is great advice for anyone in a leadership position with workers or volunteers. It costs so little and it means so much to the person on the receiving end!

  2. It was great to be there and while the facilities ARE great, they don’t mean a thing if there isn’t a flesh and blood kids pastor there who loves the kids. So YOU were the highlight bro – keep up the great work!

  3. Wayne,
    Don’t spoil it man! I’m gonna blog on the topic of us as leaders in CM passing it on. Thanks for the comment and the kind words.

    Thanks for puffing me up again! Now I have to wait for my head to deflate so I can post some more stuff! You’re welcome anytime at Radiant Church! Bring the whole family next time.

  4. Pingback: New Ideas for Children's Ministry 3/3/2010

  5. Jamie I wish every Sr. & Ex. Pastor would take this to heart. CM is not the “glamor” position…in fact I think it’s one of the most complex and difficult positions in church leadership. Ironically, it’s filled with servants who don’t “need” and aren’t looking for attention. But it’s amazing how far a little appreciation and attention will go with them. Thanks for the thoughts!

  6. Well Put Greg – That’s why I titled it a “Challenge” I was hoping to hear from a few SP’s or Ex.P’s for their input too.

    Thanks for the comment!

  7. I agree with Greg…While it is true that we in CM receive our joy from the kids and families we serve…nothing is better than recieving that comment of praise from a senior pastor. It’s not just about receiving a personal pat on the back…it is the acknowledgement from the head of your church saying, “What you do is important…your ministry is important… the kids are important.” So often the unsaid philosophy of a church is that CM is simply babysitting with a little God thrown in. I’m happy to say that is not my current experience. It makes all the difference in the world to have the support and encouragement of a SP! Talk about motivation and setting the tone for goals and expectations in winning kids for Christ!

  8. I know this is important. When Bobette started her current job the senior pastor and several other high ranking staff members commented to me, as her husband, what a great job she was doing. While she appreciated these comments, hearing them directly from the pastor meant so much more, than the comments I relayed to her.

  9. great post Jamie! That sounds like a great guy to serve with. My former pastor was just like that too! There would be times before I’d get up to preach that he had me in tears for the kind words he would speak to the congregation and the best part is I knew he really meant every word. I only wish every SP was like this!!

  10. Great post! We know faithful, hard-working children’s pastors/directors who NEVER receive a compliment or word of encouragement from the sr. pastor. It DOES make a difference!

  11. Pingback: When The Shepherd Turns Green « Victory Circle

  12. I just want to say that I HAVE one of the few pastors that is always complimenting me. He very often tells me what a great job I do, he texts me to let me know I am appreciated and he lifts me up to the congregation regularly. When he is talking to someone at a special event we are having, as I walk up, he stops to introduce me and says, “you know that fantastic cm pastor I was telling you about? Well here she is in person. She’s the best.” or “I guarantee she’s the best I’ve ever worked with.” He is a wonderful pastor and a pleasure to follow. I know that it is God’s ministry and I am the just the tool but it sure is fullfilling when you love your job AND your sr pastor sings your praises

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