Have you ever wished you had that one new THING, believing it would improve your presentation?
Don’t fall for it! We all love new gadgets, props and things that can be used in a presentation, performance or ministry setting. Try these ideas first and let me know how it goes:
- Pray beforehand.
- Study so you’ll know what you’re talking about.
- Have a plan —When you don’t, they do.
- Meet the audiences’ level of intensity… and then, go beyond it.
- Be animated with your body movements: fill the space around you.
- Be animated with your voice: pace, volume, intensity, tone.
- Make eye-contact.
- Get kids to respond verbally: cheering, sound effects, call and response.
- Get kids to respond physically: standing, sitting, hand motions, moving around the room.
- Use kid-volunteers to help you: to hold props, become instant actors/actresses, to be interviewed.
- Use the names of the children present in the room while presenting.
- Use audio: background music, sound effects, popular song segments.
- Use lighting: adjust the brightness and color.
- Demonstrate a talent, ability or skill that fits the presentation.
- Prearrange for guests (kids, teens and adults) with special talents to be part of the presentation.
- Teach like Jesus (like one who has authority).
What other tips would you add?